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minister of police中文是什么意思

用"minister of police"造句"minister of police"怎么读"minister of police" in a sentence


  • 警察部长


  • " i do not know , sire , " answered the minister of police
  • The minister of police bowed
  • The minister of police maintained a silence which was equivalent to a complete avowal
  • Sire , we have all been blind , and the minister of police has shared the general blindness , that is all .
    陛下,我们都瞎了眼,警务大臣也同大家一样仅此而已。 ”
  • The look of the minister of police was turned with concentrated spite on villefort , who bent his head in modest triumph
  • " and , moreover , my dear duke , " continued the minister of police , " we are almost assured that , in a very short time , the usurper will be insane .
    “而且,公爵阁下, ”警务大臣又说, “我们几乎可以肯定地说,逆贼就会发疯的。 ”
  • The minister of police , giving way to an impulse of despair , was about to throw himself at the feet of louis xviii . , who retreated a step and frowned
  • " l tell you to the left , and you are looking to the right ; i mean on my left - yes , there . you will find yesterday s report of the minister of police
  • Blacas , remain . " ah , sir , " said the minister of police to villefort , as they left the tuileries , " you entered by luck s door - your fortune is made .
    “啊,先生, ”在他们离开杜伊勒里宫的时候,警务部长对维尔福说, “您走的门路不错,您的前程远大! ”
  • " everything points to the conclusion , sire , " said the minister of police , " that death was not the result of suicide , as we first believed , but of assassination
    “陛下, ”警务大臣说, “事实上,一切证据都说明这他的死,并不象我们以前所相信的那样是自杀,而是一次谋杀。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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